LUCAS ROQUILLYWelcome to my personal website |
Co-Founded in 2021 in Newark, Delaware, USA
OpenVC is the leading platform for startup fundraising.
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Founded in 2019 in Lille, Nord, France
This is my micro-agency. I build web apps and internal tools for a few clients. In the past, I also taught full-stack web development at the Catholic University of Lille, I gave workshops and lectures to startups at Europe's biggest startup accelerator (Euratechnologies), wrote many articles and tutorials (see below) etc.
Founded in 2019 in Lille, Nord, France
Exited in 2022 — A SaaS helping companies to monitor their competitors' ecommerce stores.
Founded in 2017 in Lille, Nord, France
Exited in 2025 - Paintball-Comparateur is a website well-known by french-speaking paintball players for comparing the prices of many paintball products across a dozen online retailers. The website and all its assets were sold in 2025 to the Netclic agency through the platform.
I have worked with these big and small companies (and more):
The following articles talk about me or my startups:
Below are some articles I wrote (in French):